Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Thankfulness: January 11 & 12

I have been thankful these past few days that God always knows what's going on, even when nobody else, not even one single other person, knows.

There's been a lot of upheaval in our lives these past few weeks in areas that are outside of our control. Areas that we can do nothing about, but have quite a bit of impact on us, both personally and professionally. It at times has been very unnerving, very sobering, even..dare I say it?...scary at times.  And we have been surrounded by people who are also affected by the upheaval, and they don't all have the same assurance of the One who really is in control. That unassurance has led to worry, frustration, even sometimes panic. And those things are very easy to "catch"! 

Thankfully, in the quiet moments, I have been able to refocus (theme here?) and remember that the Lord, the Creator of this world that sees so much uncertainty and change, has the ultimate authority, and will only allow things to happen if they are within His will. And gradually, the reminder from those quiet moments begins to spread to other, more hectic, moments, and eventually that reminder became a banner of all the hours of my days. It was as if a sign had been posted for me to continually see that said, "I know what I am doing. You just need to rest and trust".  And so, I am.

1 comment:

momm said...

So hard and yet so rewarding when we do this.