Sunday, January 2, 2011

Thankfulness: January 2

Today I'm thankful for the variety of seasons that we get to enjoy in Maine. I'm thinking about this today as it's January 2, which for Maine usually means below freezing temperatures and lots of snow.  However...yesterday it was in the upper 40s and today it's in the upper 30s. The foot of snow we got about a week ago has melted quite a bit, so much so that we saw several bare spots on people's lawns this morning on our way to church. Our own lawn is showing in spots. Just because this is the case today does not mean that we're going to have a mild rest of the winter though. We could get slammed with another foot of snow at any time. That's part of the fun of living in Maine- you never really know what you're going to wake up to for weather.

I'm thankful for the variety of weather we get. And I'm hoping for more snow for this winter, too. :)

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