I am so thankful to see a new year ushered in! 2009, like any year, had its share of happy times and challenging times. For some reason, that year seemed to weigh a little more heavily on the challenging times side. As a result, I breathed a sigh of relief when I woke up on January 1, 2010- a new year with it's own set of memories, both good and bad I'm sure, but now I can officially say "last year..." about 2009.
I decided to start the year off with something new. For a while now I've been an avid reader of several blogs, most especially of cooking blogs. There's the girl smitten with her kitchen , the one who creates lots of last night's dinners that the Firefighter and I wouldn't eat but I still enjoy reading about, and one who combines some poetic license and cake type in her blog name. I thought it would be fun to record some of the things that come out of my own kitchen. It probably won't be a daily occurance, and certainly won't be any gourmet food productions, but it will be an honest look at how one gal can concoct food, hopefully delicious most days, in a small space with fairly "normal" ingredients (normal to us anyway).
In my menu planning for this week, I thought it'd be fun to start the new year with a riff on a classic-pizza. Breakfast pizza is one of the Firefighter's new favorites, and I'm pretty fond of it myself, so on the menu it went. Much to the Firefighter's chagrin however, I decided to use wheat pizza dough; he's a white pizza dough kinda guy. Thankfully, he gave it a chance- and has declared that wheat pizza dough can be added to the regular pizza dough rotation. New year changes are abounding in our household already!

New Years Day Breakfast Pizza
1pizza dough ball (I bought mine at the grocery store deli; if you'd rather, make your own)
4 eggs
2-3 cups mozerella cheese
Your choice of toppings: bacon, ham, onions, peppers, mushrooms, sausage. I went with meat lovers pizza, ham and bacon, this time.
scant teaspoon cornmeal
Preheat oven to 450 degrees. Prep your pizza baking dish- I use a pizza stone for all my pizza makings. Spread cornmeal on baking dish.
Stretch the pizza dough to get it big enough to cover your dish. If you have a difficult time stretching it to full size, let it rest a few minutes after initial stretching, then resume. Be sure to form a good pizza crust around the edge of the dough to keep the eggs contained.
Beat the eggs in a separate bowl; pour onto crust. Top with cheese, then toppings.
Bake for 10-15 minutes, or until the cheese is golden brown and the outside crust sounds hollow when you tap it.