Well! We've begun a new year. Again. How is that possible?
I am very excited about this year. It holds lots of promise, I feel. It's already begun on a way slower pace than recent years, and I'm hoping it will continue that way. There's the possibility- a little bit bigger than "slim" possibility- that by this time next year, the Firefighter and I will be debt free, or at least so close we can touch it with our fingertips! YAY! Thank you, Dave Ramsey!! We get the joy of watching the Niece and Nephew grow a little bit older this year; by next Christmas I imagine the Niece will call me "Laura" instead of "Wawa"...which makes me a little sad. But Mason just may pick up the Wawa that the Niece leaves behind! We get to celebrate our third anniversary- yowsa. We'll be the first ones to tell you that this marriage thing aint easy, but if both partners work really hard and make it a priority, it doesn't need to be as tough as some people make it out to be.
There will be some hard times that are anticipated already- times of loss, and sadness. But there will hopefully be some very good times- times of eager expectancy and joy. Several babies will be born this year, belonging to cousins who are close like sisters.
So, I look forward to 2009. The good times more than the bad times, but the bolstering fact is this: with such a loving, supportive family, immediate and extended, the good times will be so much "more good", and the bad times won't be quite so bad.