As I was blog surfing the other day, I came across this fun survey. I thought, "Hey, it's been so long since I posted anything on my blog that even this is better than another day of nothing new!"
1. What is your favorite thing to snack on while you're blogging? My favorite thing to snack on any time, period, is tortilla chips. And if there happens to be homemade salsa to go with it, so be it. Or bean dip. or ranch dressing. or...
2. What is one thing you wouldn't want to live without? My glasses.
3. Beach, Mountains, or Farm? Mountains to live, mountains or beach to vacation
4. What's your least favorite chore/household duty? taking care of clean clothes! Ugh!
5. Who do people say you remind them of? If I'm with my sister, then her, because they say we look alike (not as much now as we used to though!) A lot of people say I look like my dad. Others say I look like my grandmother. Still others say my mannerisms are a lot like my other grandmother. So, I guess I remind people of lots of people!
6. Prefer parties and socializing or staying home? Almost always parties and socializing. I especially like socializing in my own home.
7. What's your all time favorite movie? Phew boy. Like, can only ever pick one movie to watch for the rest of my life? I can never pick just one. How about the top three? My Fair Lady, original version (ala Audrey Hepburn), Gone in 60 Seconds for my adrenaline/car fix, and Mathew McCoughney gift set (whatever movies of his are included are fine with me!). And Devil Wears Prada. And Something's Gotta Give.
8. Do you sleep in your make-up or remove it like a good little girl every night? I always remove it. Just ask the Firefighter. "What ELSE do you have to do before we go to bed?!"
9. Do you have a deep desire to learn something that you've never had a chance to learn? I'd love to learn to play the saxophone and violin. And also how to properly bind a quilt.
10. What's one thing you're really good at? Sensing direction- not north/south/east/west (very bad at that), but what direction I'd need to go to return from where I came. Get it? Or where I'm at in relation to something else.
1. What first attracted you to your spouse? His hotness. And then once we met in person, his nose. :)
12. What is something you love to smell? lavender vanilla linen spray from Bath and Body Works. Mmmmm
13. Tell something about you that you know irritates people. My attention to detail. Ahem. :)
14. When you have extra money, what's the first thing you think to do with it? Shoes!
15. Are you a silent laugher or a loud laugher? Oh please- are there any silent laughers in my family? Loud laugher, at your service! What's the point of a quiet laugh? Nobody knows you're having fun that way.
16. Where is your favorite place to shop? Nine West for shoes. Grocery store for general shopping.
17. What's one thing you'd do more often if you had more time? visit people
18. Are you a big spender or frugal? Frugal
19. Who is your favorite character of all time? Santa Clause.
20. Would you want to be famous? I htink I'd enjoy it, actually.
Monday, November 2, 2009
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
We have had a most fantastic summer so far this year. It didn't start off so great weatherwise- it rained, rained, rained all of late spring right through mid July. Finally- ooooooh so slowly- the rain started to subside, and we actually had a few sunny days. Then, about the beginning of August, summer decided to grace us with her presence- and she arrived in full force. The three H's could be found everywhere- hazy, hot, and humid. But after months of everyone complaining about the rain, no one had any patience for anyone complaining about the summer weather we'd been longing for.
The Firefighter and I have had quite a fun summer. Last summer, we kind of pushed ourselves too much, staying busy not only on weekends, but also week nights. Now that may be fine if it's just one or two people who rent a tiny apartment and have nothing to do to keep a house up- or their energy- but we decided not to do it again.
This summer, we've done probably more than we've done before since we've been married, but it's been way more relaxed and so much more enjoyable. Somehow- somehow- I've managed to stay on top of most household chores. IE laundry's been done regularly, new bathroom is kept clean, dust kitties haven't turned into dust lions- it's been a good feeling to keep the house- mostly- and still do so much.
We kicked off the summer with the annual Rogers Family Gathering over the 4th of July. It was a rainy, dreary weekend, but we managed to find enjoyment in each other, if not in the weather. We then rested for a weekend, then took the Firefighter's mom camping at a local campground. That campground has become our favorite go-to place for a fun, easy, restful but full of activity weekend. We kayaked and fished, and ate, and kayaked some more, and rested. It was great.
The next weekend we headed out on the Great Wilderness Adventure. Silly ole me decided it would be fun to try this "wilderness camping" that the Firefighter raves about. "It's so great", he says; "we'll load up our borrowed kayaks or canoe with alllll the stuff we'll need for the weekend, which by the way can't include any more than one pair of pants a piece and 3 pieces of stale bread to live off of, a tarp to wrap up in while we sleep, and an ax to find firewood and fight off wilderness creatures". Oh yeah right- way to sell me. (OK maybe he didn't say it EXACTLY like that, but it's what I pictured).
Well, turns out- he was right! And, we didn't stick to 1 outfit and 3 pieces of bread a piece. We actually went with friends of ours, who- bless their whole bodies, not just their souls, as people usually say- had an 18 foot boat at their disposal. Ah, things began looking up! So, we piled tent, food, chairs, fishing gear, stoves, lanterns, tarps, 4 adults, 2 kids, 1 dog, and a partridge in a pear tree in that boat, and off we went on Lobster Lake to find our wilderness campsite.
Might I just say that I expected a little field that we had to cut the grass down to set up our tent, finding rocks to make a fire pit, and using the nearest big bush for our bathroom. Ohhh no- we had a big fancy double-picnic table setup, very nice stone fireplace, fanciest outhouse I've ever seen, and a beautiful view. It wasn't really roughing it at all! The weather did kind of stink- that rain again- and the mosquitos were always ready to attack, but we had a fantastic time. And, I caught my very first fish. Can't beat it.
Then we took a few days off to rest up...and headed to South Carolina! The Firefighter's nephew is in the Navy, and is stationed there for his training. So, we took a short vacation and mixed in a visit with him. Perfect trip- Firefighter fell in love with the place, saw lots and enjoyed the HEAT, visited with his nephew, and just had a ball. He's already posted his resume and who knows what the future holds. I can get used to saying "y'all" , I guess.
Then we took a few more days off... a few weeks, actually, and really enjoyed being home. In that time, we were in the local parade- I rode in the fire engine with the FF-- wayyy cool; went to Old Orchard Beach a few times, started canning what little produce we got from our sorely-rain-damaged garden, went to an outdoor concert in OOB again with my folks and enjoyed the pure summerness of it, and cleaned out the house. A good purging of CRAP- I mean, junk- periodically is so necessary no matter where anyone lives.
So, we've had a rest, and are now headed out for the rest of our summer. This weekend is camping with my family at Littlefield Beaches, the campground we've been going to for years because- well, it's just too awesome to not make it a habit; then we're headed to Black Brook Cove for some more camping in the boonies, but this time at an actual campground with people around. People we know, no less.
It's going to be great- I can't wait! Pictures will come soon of the great adventures.
The Firefighter and I have had quite a fun summer. Last summer, we kind of pushed ourselves too much, staying busy not only on weekends, but also week nights. Now that may be fine if it's just one or two people who rent a tiny apartment and have nothing to do to keep a house up- or their energy- but we decided not to do it again.
This summer, we've done probably more than we've done before since we've been married, but it's been way more relaxed and so much more enjoyable. Somehow- somehow- I've managed to stay on top of most household chores. IE laundry's been done regularly, new bathroom is kept clean, dust kitties haven't turned into dust lions- it's been a good feeling to keep the house- mostly- and still do so much.
We kicked off the summer with the annual Rogers Family Gathering over the 4th of July. It was a rainy, dreary weekend, but we managed to find enjoyment in each other, if not in the weather. We then rested for a weekend, then took the Firefighter's mom camping at a local campground. That campground has become our favorite go-to place for a fun, easy, restful but full of activity weekend. We kayaked and fished, and ate, and kayaked some more, and rested. It was great.
The next weekend we headed out on the Great Wilderness Adventure. Silly ole me decided it would be fun to try this "wilderness camping" that the Firefighter raves about. "It's so great", he says; "we'll load up our borrowed kayaks or canoe with alllll the stuff we'll need for the weekend, which by the way can't include any more than one pair of pants a piece and 3 pieces of stale bread to live off of, a tarp to wrap up in while we sleep, and an ax to find firewood and fight off wilderness creatures". Oh yeah right- way to sell me. (OK maybe he didn't say it EXACTLY like that, but it's what I pictured).
Well, turns out- he was right! And, we didn't stick to 1 outfit and 3 pieces of bread a piece. We actually went with friends of ours, who- bless their whole bodies, not just their souls, as people usually say- had an 18 foot boat at their disposal. Ah, things began looking up! So, we piled tent, food, chairs, fishing gear, stoves, lanterns, tarps, 4 adults, 2 kids, 1 dog, and a partridge in a pear tree in that boat, and off we went on Lobster Lake to find our wilderness campsite.
Might I just say that I expected a little field that we had to cut the grass down to set up our tent, finding rocks to make a fire pit, and using the nearest big bush for our bathroom. Ohhh no- we had a big fancy double-picnic table setup, very nice stone fireplace, fanciest outhouse I've ever seen, and a beautiful view. It wasn't really roughing it at all! The weather did kind of stink- that rain again- and the mosquitos were always ready to attack, but we had a fantastic time. And, I caught my very first fish. Can't beat it.
Then we took a few days off to rest up...and headed to South Carolina! The Firefighter's nephew is in the Navy, and is stationed there for his training. So, we took a short vacation and mixed in a visit with him. Perfect trip- Firefighter fell in love with the place, saw lots and enjoyed the HEAT, visited with his nephew, and just had a ball. He's already posted his resume and who knows what the future holds. I can get used to saying "y'all" , I guess.
Then we took a few more days off... a few weeks, actually, and really enjoyed being home. In that time, we were in the local parade- I rode in the fire engine with the FF-- wayyy cool; went to Old Orchard Beach a few times, started canning what little produce we got from our sorely-rain-damaged garden, went to an outdoor concert in OOB again with my folks and enjoyed the pure summerness of it, and cleaned out the house. A good purging of CRAP- I mean, junk- periodically is so necessary no matter where anyone lives.
So, we've had a rest, and are now headed out for the rest of our summer. This weekend is camping with my family at Littlefield Beaches, the campground we've been going to for years because- well, it's just too awesome to not make it a habit; then we're headed to Black Brook Cove for some more camping in the boonies, but this time at an actual campground with people around. People we know, no less.
It's going to be great- I can't wait! Pictures will come soon of the great adventures.
Thursday, July 2, 2009
I Failed
I was coming out of the Walmart drive today at lunchtime, where there are 4 lanes of traffic, and there, standing on the little tiny island between the 4 lanes, was a man holding a sign that said "homeless hungry". And as I watched him, he looked so sad. He was so thin with dirty clothes on, and his eyes looked so hopeless. I was immediately struck with the depravity of his situation and started crying. I was in the farthest lane away from him, and traffic was really heavy so I couldn't get over to him- I was trying to think what I'd bought for groceries that I could give him, and the only thing he could really eat quickly and without need preparation or a stove were the 24 hot dog buns I bought, and yes it would fill an aching hole, but how nutritious would it be? So I drove away, and was debating if I should go buy him lunch and take it back to him.
I was having a real internal battle about it; my excuses were "I'm alone, I don't know if he'll try to hurt me if I go back, how do I really know he's homeless", and all I could think was "feed the hungry. What would my Jesus do?" Now I never use that phrase- it is just so cliche so normallyu meaningless to a Jesusless world, but that's what was going through my head. So the battle waged all the way back to my office-3 miles- and I pulled in the parking lot and called my Firefighter, who of course was away from his phones. So I sat there and cried and just couldn't get the homeless man out of my mind. Finally I realized that my lunchbreak was over and I had to go back to my office; Iwas feeling so horrible that I hadn't helped that man. Then my Firefighter called back.
I broke down again on the phone with him and told him what happened, and he said he would go up and take a lunch to him. The Firefighter was at work and had already taken his day's lunch break, but he said that he would go. He went to McDonalds and bought a quarter pounder meal to take up to the man.
I am so thankful for him doing that... and yet I feel like I missed a major opportunity by being too chicken to do it myself. In the past I have ALWAYS thought "get a job, ya bum" when I see people holding those signs- but this time it was completely different. My heart was, still is, broken for that man. He looked so lost. I think it's going to take me a long time to get over this- and I kind of hope I don't. My mind is wondering "where will this take me?", this initial broken heartedness for those so less fortunate than I. I had just bought $60 worth of groceries- and he had nothing.
So that's my story today. It's like his face has been burned onto my mind. I want to go running back to him and say "come with me! I'll clean you up and get you warm and full, then tell you about Jesus's constantly fulfilling love". I want to show him what true love is, and how he can never say he's truly hungry again. I want to be Jesus's hands to this man.
I missed out.
I was having a real internal battle about it; my excuses were "I'm alone, I don't know if he'll try to hurt me if I go back, how do I really know he's homeless", and all I could think was "feed the hungry. What would my Jesus do?" Now I never use that phrase- it is just so cliche so normallyu meaningless to a Jesusless world, but that's what was going through my head. So the battle waged all the way back to my office-3 miles- and I pulled in the parking lot and called my Firefighter, who of course was away from his phones. So I sat there and cried and just couldn't get the homeless man out of my mind. Finally I realized that my lunchbreak was over and I had to go back to my office; Iwas feeling so horrible that I hadn't helped that man. Then my Firefighter called back.
I broke down again on the phone with him and told him what happened, and he said he would go up and take a lunch to him. The Firefighter was at work and had already taken his day's lunch break, but he said that he would go. He went to McDonalds and bought a quarter pounder meal to take up to the man.
I am so thankful for him doing that... and yet I feel like I missed a major opportunity by being too chicken to do it myself. In the past I have ALWAYS thought "get a job, ya bum" when I see people holding those signs- but this time it was completely different. My heart was, still is, broken for that man. He looked so lost. I think it's going to take me a long time to get over this- and I kind of hope I don't. My mind is wondering "where will this take me?", this initial broken heartedness for those so less fortunate than I. I had just bought $60 worth of groceries- and he had nothing.
So that's my story today. It's like his face has been burned onto my mind. I want to go running back to him and say "come with me! I'll clean you up and get you warm and full, then tell you about Jesus's constantly fulfilling love". I want to show him what true love is, and how he can never say he's truly hungry again. I want to be Jesus's hands to this man.
I missed out.
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Dinnah is Served
Ah, menu planning, how I love thee.
But seriously. I find great joy in taking my weekly grocery budget allotment, figuring out what the Firefighter and I feel like eating for the next week, surfing the grocery store sales flyers, and meshing it all together to get a menu plan that fits in that week's budget. I'm still trying to get the hang of remembering to read the sales flyers and then planning my meals around them BEFORE I go grocery shopping. Most of the time I just figure out what would be good to eat and make it fit the budget.
Someone asked recently which grocery store I went to for my regular shopping. I must say I have no grocery store loyalty. I will hit up which ever store has the best sales that week. Most of the time I stick with trusty Hannaford; their prices really are lower than the more elite Shaws. BUT Shaws has some super sales! Why, just 2 weeks ago, they had Breyers ice cream BOGO! (In case you don't know, BOGO stands for Buy One Get One free. You should hear the Firefighter yell BOGO- it's a hoot.) So we stocked up on the ole ice cream- a staple in the Nichols' household. Their 10 for $10 sales are pretty good too, but you have to know your grocery prices in order to really make sure you're getting the best price. And as Mom says- ALWAYS check the store brand price against a name brand price- just because it's store brand does NOT mean it's cheaper!
Right now I'm trying to figure out what our menu will be for this next week. I'm having a bit of trouble, because I don't know when we'll be home to eat, with everything going on with the family right now. A request has been put in for BCC (yes I know, more lingo- Broccoli Cheddar Chowder), and that sounds pretty good and simple, so that'll show up at some point I'm sure. I'm also thinking it's time for skillet lasagna- can't link to the recipe because I don't remember where it came from.
The nice thing about menu planning is that after grocery shopping with a list based on the meals I'm planning to fix that week, I know that I have every ingredient I need in the house for any meal on my list (which is posted on the side of the fridge, right beside the weekly budget list). Then, if on, say, Tuesday night, we don't feel like eating what I scheduled for Tuesday- no big deal! I know I have the stuff for, say, what's on Thursday's agenda and we feel like eating on Tuesday. It's kind of like eating at a restaurant every night- we get to pick what we want to eat!
But seriously. I find great joy in taking my weekly grocery budget allotment, figuring out what the Firefighter and I feel like eating for the next week, surfing the grocery store sales flyers, and meshing it all together to get a menu plan that fits in that week's budget. I'm still trying to get the hang of remembering to read the sales flyers and then planning my meals around them BEFORE I go grocery shopping. Most of the time I just figure out what would be good to eat and make it fit the budget.
Someone asked recently which grocery store I went to for my regular shopping. I must say I have no grocery store loyalty. I will hit up which ever store has the best sales that week. Most of the time I stick with trusty Hannaford; their prices really are lower than the more elite Shaws. BUT Shaws has some super sales! Why, just 2 weeks ago, they had Breyers ice cream BOGO! (In case you don't know, BOGO stands for Buy One Get One free. You should hear the Firefighter yell BOGO- it's a hoot.) So we stocked up on the ole ice cream- a staple in the Nichols' household. Their 10 for $10 sales are pretty good too, but you have to know your grocery prices in order to really make sure you're getting the best price. And as Mom says- ALWAYS check the store brand price against a name brand price- just because it's store brand does NOT mean it's cheaper!
Right now I'm trying to figure out what our menu will be for this next week. I'm having a bit of trouble, because I don't know when we'll be home to eat, with everything going on with the family right now. A request has been put in for BCC (yes I know, more lingo- Broccoli Cheddar Chowder), and that sounds pretty good and simple, so that'll show up at some point I'm sure. I'm also thinking it's time for skillet lasagna- can't link to the recipe because I don't remember where it came from.
The nice thing about menu planning is that after grocery shopping with a list based on the meals I'm planning to fix that week, I know that I have every ingredient I need in the house for any meal on my list (which is posted on the side of the fridge, right beside the weekly budget list). Then, if on, say, Tuesday night, we don't feel like eating what I scheduled for Tuesday- no big deal! I know I have the stuff for, say, what's on Thursday's agenda and we feel like eating on Tuesday. It's kind of like eating at a restaurant every night- we get to pick what we want to eat!
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Time for a Plan
And once again, it's been a while since I've blogged. But I'm back- yay!
One of the things I enjoy most in my role of wife right now is budgeting and menu planning. Last summer, we took Dave Ramsey's 13 week Financial Peace University (FPU) class. If you haven't heard about it, or want more information, go to his website. I never thought I'd say this- but his steps for getting in control of our finances have changed our lives. Totally changed the way we look at money. Totally changed the way we handle our money! Hence, the Total Money Makeover title, I'm guessing. (there- did I give you enough chances to click the link to visit his page?)
As a result, we develop a monthly budget, and then break it down into a weekly budget, based on the tools we learned at FPU. I LOVE MAKING UP OUR BUDGET! It thrills me to no end, apparently, how I'm able to take our monthly income, divided it down into what it has to be used for, make a very organized plan for it, and then stick to the plan. THe first few months of budgeting were not easy. Actually, the first month was sheer torture- I hated it. the Firefighter and I fought about it quite a bit. We had some of our biggest arguments when we were trying to do the budget together- I'm talking raised voice, unhappy faces, finally someone leaves the room arguments. Yeah, nothing to be proud of.
We finally figured out that us sitting down and working out the budget together was not working- and it was OK to change how we did it! So, after a few trial and errors, we discovered that it worked really well for me to draw up the monthly budget, break it down into a weekly budget, and then have the Firefighter review it. At that point, changes can be made by either of us once we've talked the proposed budget through. Then, I finalize the budget. At that point, it doesn't change unless there's something super major going on. As I type this, I can't think of a month when I've changed the monthly budget- I've definitely had to rework a weekly budget here or there, but for the most part, we've been getting better at sticking to the plan.
The little step I added on my own has been a huge help to us. Either the day before or day of each of payday, I sit down with that coming week's budget, take a sticky note, and write out all the things we'll be using our money for that week. I then take that sticky note with me to the bank, when I get out our cash for the week, and then it gets stuck to the side of the refrigerator. That way, we have a super quick reference to look at when we're trying to remember what we're doing with our money that week. It's really a great addition to an already good plan!
* I will now give major props to the Firefighter. When we first started budgeting, we had paperwork all over the place- budget paperwork, bills, calculator, pencil, everything was scattered. The Firefighter came up with the perfect solution- an expandable folder! We went to the store, and found an expandable folder that has 12 slots in it. I then made up tabs for January through December, labeled each slot, and voila! We now have our budget folder! In the front of it sits the calculator, several pencils, a pen, envelopes, our return address labels, post it notes, and a full year's worth of our 2 budget forms we use. Then, when I do the monthly budget, I take that months' budget paperwork, all the bills we will pay that month, and stick them in that month's slot. All the rest of hte bills that will be paid the next month, or bills that are ongoing, get put in the next month's slot. That way, only things I will be paying are in the current month's slot. It is an incredible system. The Firefighter is, once again, so incredibly smart! :)
So that's our budget plan. We both love it. I can't say enough good things about it. The FPU plan has helped 2 of my cousins get out of debt- they're both just a few years older than I am- can you believe it? And my goal is that by the end of 2009, we'll be joining the debtfree ranks. It may not happen, but it's the goal.
Wow. this was going to be about budgeting and then menu planning. Guess I'll have to wait til the next post to tell you about my love of a good week's menu plan! :)
One of the things I enjoy most in my role of wife right now is budgeting and menu planning. Last summer, we took Dave Ramsey's 13 week Financial Peace University (FPU) class. If you haven't heard about it, or want more information, go to his website. I never thought I'd say this- but his steps for getting in control of our finances have changed our lives. Totally changed the way we look at money. Totally changed the way we handle our money! Hence, the Total Money Makeover title, I'm guessing. (there- did I give you enough chances to click the link to visit his page?)
As a result, we develop a monthly budget, and then break it down into a weekly budget, based on the tools we learned at FPU. I LOVE MAKING UP OUR BUDGET! It thrills me to no end, apparently, how I'm able to take our monthly income, divided it down into what it has to be used for, make a very organized plan for it, and then stick to the plan. THe first few months of budgeting were not easy. Actually, the first month was sheer torture- I hated it. the Firefighter and I fought about it quite a bit. We had some of our biggest arguments when we were trying to do the budget together- I'm talking raised voice, unhappy faces, finally someone leaves the room arguments. Yeah, nothing to be proud of.
We finally figured out that us sitting down and working out the budget together was not working- and it was OK to change how we did it! So, after a few trial and errors, we discovered that it worked really well for me to draw up the monthly budget, break it down into a weekly budget, and then have the Firefighter review it. At that point, changes can be made by either of us once we've talked the proposed budget through. Then, I finalize the budget. At that point, it doesn't change unless there's something super major going on. As I type this, I can't think of a month when I've changed the monthly budget- I've definitely had to rework a weekly budget here or there, but for the most part, we've been getting better at sticking to the plan.
The little step I added on my own has been a huge help to us. Either the day before or day of each of payday, I sit down with that coming week's budget, take a sticky note, and write out all the things we'll be using our money for that week. I then take that sticky note with me to the bank, when I get out our cash for the week, and then it gets stuck to the side of the refrigerator. That way, we have a super quick reference to look at when we're trying to remember what we're doing with our money that week. It's really a great addition to an already good plan!
* I will now give major props to the Firefighter. When we first started budgeting, we had paperwork all over the place- budget paperwork, bills, calculator, pencil, everything was scattered. The Firefighter came up with the perfect solution- an expandable folder! We went to the store, and found an expandable folder that has 12 slots in it. I then made up tabs for January through December, labeled each slot, and voila! We now have our budget folder! In the front of it sits the calculator, several pencils, a pen, envelopes, our return address labels, post it notes, and a full year's worth of our 2 budget forms we use. Then, when I do the monthly budget, I take that months' budget paperwork, all the bills we will pay that month, and stick them in that month's slot. All the rest of hte bills that will be paid the next month, or bills that are ongoing, get put in the next month's slot. That way, only things I will be paying are in the current month's slot. It is an incredible system. The Firefighter is, once again, so incredibly smart! :)
So that's our budget plan. We both love it. I can't say enough good things about it. The FPU plan has helped 2 of my cousins get out of debt- they're both just a few years older than I am- can you believe it? And my goal is that by the end of 2009, we'll be joining the debtfree ranks. It may not happen, but it's the goal.
Wow. this was going to be about budgeting and then menu planning. Guess I'll have to wait til the next post to tell you about my love of a good week's menu plan! :)
Friday, January 9, 2009
A New Year
Well! We've begun a new year. Again. How is that possible?
I am very excited about this year. It holds lots of promise, I feel. It's already begun on a way slower pace than recent years, and I'm hoping it will continue that way. There's the possibility- a little bit bigger than "slim" possibility- that by this time next year, the Firefighter and I will be debt free, or at least so close we can touch it with our fingertips! YAY! Thank you, Dave Ramsey!! We get the joy of watching the Niece and Nephew grow a little bit older this year; by next Christmas I imagine the Niece will call me "Laura" instead of "Wawa"...which makes me a little sad. But Mason just may pick up the Wawa that the Niece leaves behind! We get to celebrate our third anniversary- yowsa. We'll be the first ones to tell you that this marriage thing aint easy, but if both partners work really hard and make it a priority, it doesn't need to be as tough as some people make it out to be.
There will be some hard times that are anticipated already- times of loss, and sadness. But there will hopefully be some very good times- times of eager expectancy and joy. Several babies will be born this year, belonging to cousins who are close like sisters.
So, I look forward to 2009. The good times more than the bad times, but the bolstering fact is this: with such a loving, supportive family, immediate and extended, the good times will be so much "more good", and the bad times won't be quite so bad.
I am very excited about this year. It holds lots of promise, I feel. It's already begun on a way slower pace than recent years, and I'm hoping it will continue that way. There's the possibility- a little bit bigger than "slim" possibility- that by this time next year, the Firefighter and I will be debt free, or at least so close we can touch it with our fingertips! YAY! Thank you, Dave Ramsey!! We get the joy of watching the Niece and Nephew grow a little bit older this year; by next Christmas I imagine the Niece will call me "Laura" instead of "Wawa"...which makes me a little sad. But Mason just may pick up the Wawa that the Niece leaves behind! We get to celebrate our third anniversary- yowsa. We'll be the first ones to tell you that this marriage thing aint easy, but if both partners work really hard and make it a priority, it doesn't need to be as tough as some people make it out to be.
There will be some hard times that are anticipated already- times of loss, and sadness. But there will hopefully be some very good times- times of eager expectancy and joy. Several babies will be born this year, belonging to cousins who are close like sisters.
So, I look forward to 2009. The good times more than the bad times, but the bolstering fact is this: with such a loving, supportive family, immediate and extended, the good times will be so much "more good", and the bad times won't be quite so bad.
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