Here are a few of the things I've been doing while I've NOT been posting...
1. Had a grueling week-long assessment at work. That was not for the faint of heart, let me tell you! Fortunately all went well, and it's OVER. With another one coming next spring. Ugh.
2. Went to the Fryeburg Fair! Please do not tell me that you read my blog and don't know what Fryeburg Fair is, have never been there due to lack of interest, or just don't like fairs in general. Spare me that pain. We were there the first weekend, then back up for the last weekend. A true escape from reality, as Momm calls it! It's a Maxfield, and now Huggins and Nichols, family tradition to be at the fair as much as possible. So many little blogspace.
3. Went to see Beth Moore live, in Durham, NH! She has allowed God to use her so mightily, and she is quick to give Him all the glory for what comes through her ministry. I had the added pleasure of taking the trip with a wonderful friend from church, which made the experience that much more special. I'm currently reading "A Heart Like His", her book-adapted-from-her-Bible-study on the life of Saul/Paul. Fantastic reading!
4. Had a work weekend at my parents' house, getting them ready for winter and an inspected vehicle. It was an extra- special weekend as both sets of my grandparents were there. Those times have become even more special lately.
5. Co-threw (seriously. Is that a word??) with Momm a baby shower for my sister! She, at that time, was expecting baby #2- a boy! She got many nice things, most of them blue, to prepare her for his arrival.
6. Waited for the Nephew's arrival.
7. And waited.
8. And waited.
9. FINALLY, on this past Friday, October 24, Mason Timothy arrived in this world! He is a very healthy and handsome boy, and Mama is doing well also. Momm and I were privileged to be there for his birth. It was the weirdest thing I've ever seen in my life. But I'm so glad the mama said we could be in there.
10. Spent lots of time wondering what to do with a baby that's a boy. As I mentioned in a previous post, I'm from a family where overwhelmingly there is more pink than blue. And we're not taking the light fluffy delicate pink- oh no, we're talking screaming electric fuschia pink, baby! We are proud of our womanhood! So I've been wondering how my sister would know what to do with a baby boy. And I'm reading a book right now on how to be an aunt to a boy. Seriously people- I'm at a major loss.
11. Saved myself from serious bewilderment for a few minutes and played pocketbooks with the Niece. "Train up a child in the way SHE should go..." Aunt Laura felt much better after that.
12. The Firefighter and I decided to build a new bathroom in our house! He can do just about anything he sets his mind to, and thankfully has experience in building/remodelling, so starting tonight- yes people, tonight- he begins to demolish a portion of our porch and begins building our new and VASTLY improved bathroom! Thank you, Firefighter, for seeing how important this is, and making it happen. Come Christmas... or as he always says after I say that, "hopefully by the end of the year", I'll be ridiculously happy bathing in a new- and NOT BLUE- bathroom.
13. We bought oil for $3.74 a gallon- thankfully we didn't lock into a price plan this year, like so many others did. We'll be filling the tank shortly, with prices hovering around $3 a gallon- we didn't see that last winter even! So much for the media's cry of "PANIC OVER YOUR OIL!!". Pfffft.
Well, I think that's enough catch-up for now. There were lots of other things that went on, including warm dinners with close friends, near and far, an extending of our arms as we welcomed a fun, new group of people into our home and life, and a few new recipes that I won't be making again.
Let me leave you with a picture of the Nephew. Isn't he handsome?!