Friday, August 22, 2008


As I roamed about my list of blogs I check fairly regularly, I came across this post. I was so moved by it. No, I don't have any children, but I've seen enough of them soothed to sleep that I can understand the beginning of this one. And the rest of the story- well, it speaks of rest. Deep, reassured, foundational rest.
Read about it here.
May you know the abiding rest.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

I always used to be drawn to the kitchen when growing up. I loved to bake or cook, or be there while Mom was working her magic over our daily food. I'd kind of gotten away from that love in the past few years, but have recently re-discovered it. I'm not sure what brought it on. Was it having people over for supper and not wanting to make the same old thing? Was it wanting something sweet, but sick and tired of brownie mixes? Just what was it?
And my cooking selections certainly have been made deliberately, after long-thought through planning, since being married, so as to please the Firefighter's most picky palate.
(OK funny tidbit: I wasn't sure how to spell "palate", so looked it up. One of the choices that popped up was "pallette"; so I checked it...and the meaning is "one of the plates at the armpits of a suit of armor". The Firefighter's not that picky about his suit of armor pieces).
One of the biggest struggles I have in the summer months is trying to find meals using the abundance of fresh produce available to us, that the Firefighter will actually eat. No easy task, let me tell you! I can't serve zucchini, summer squash (might I say these are NOT the same- they're definitely different in texture and taste), broccoli, beet greens, cauliflower, on and on, and know that he'll eat them.
So, I've decided that I can just make the things that I want to eat that showcase the most delicious summer vegetables, and bring that food with me for my lunch during the workweek. Brilliant if I do say so myself! We'll still eat cucumbers, tomatoes in all forms (including the most awesome fresh salsa recipe I tried this weekend), and string beans, but I'll get to savor my zucchini and broccoli recipes all by myself.
Except for zucchini bread. That, I must share with him. :)

If you're looking for ways to use up some summer produce, check out these recipes:
Impossibly Easy Zucchini Pie (this is great with or without tomatoes)
Fresh Salsa - this is not the recipe I used, but it's awfully close. I just used half a super hot pepper, 2 tomatoes not 3, and lemon juice instead of lime juice. Sooooo good
Zucchini Gratin Just making any Ina Garten recipe makes me feel like a master chef

Happy summer eating!

UPDATE: The Firefigher just emailed me to remind me that yes, indeed, he does get picky about his body armor at times. This is what he said:
"The firefighter can be kind of picky when his wife purchases some ridiculous looking suit of armor at "The Gap" ".
Oh be careful, little mouth, what you say, for the past will soon be haunting you! :)