A is for Age. I am 26 ½.
B is for Burger of Choice. Red Robin’s Blue Ribbon Burger: making-me-drool description right from their website: “Juicy burger basted with a tangy steak sauce and topped with crumbled Bleu cheese. Served with onion straws, lettuce, tomatoes and zesty Chipotle mayo on an onion bun.” Oh yes!
C is for what car you drive. My baby is a 1997 Saturn SC2. It just rolled to 270,000 miles; it’s on its second engine; the Firefighter has to repair the head gasket tonight; and it looks so shiny and new still. I love that car!
D is for Dog’s name. We don’t have a dog. The Firefighter had one before we got married…then he had to go because he was wrecking the house. I’d be happy with a dog- maybe- someday- when we’re home more and have a much bigger house. For now I’m very happy with our kitty, Georgie. Who’s a girl. Major identity crisis we gave her, huh?
E is for essential item you use every day. My Maine Bureau of Highway Safety orange water bottle. It’s made in the USA- hurray!
F is for favorite tv show at the moment. We just got rid of our Dish Network, so we’re not watching TV any more. However, we’ve signed up for Netflicks, and have Season 1 of Alf to watch. Hurray for classic TV!
G is for favorite game. I am starting to love games more than ever before, as I’m the “activity coordinator” for the senior high youth group. Our classic is Pictionary, and favorite outdoor game is still Capture the Flag. Classic.
H is for hometown. Norway, Maine, USA
I is for instruments you play. The piano, both at home (though not as often as I should) and as the church pianist.
J is for favorite juice. Cranapple
K is for who you’d like to kiss. My niece!
L is for the last restaurant you ate at. It’s been forever…hmm…does Quiznos count? We ate there several weeks ago.
M is for your favorite Muppet. Miss Piggy rocks.
N is for number of piercings. 5; 2 holes on my right ear, 3 on my left. I’m sooo ready for some new earrings.
O is for overnight hospital stays. None actually.
P is for people you were with today. The Firefighter this morning and as we drove to work together, the people in my office, and tonight will be the senior high youth group.
Q is for what you do with your quiet time. Right now IN my quiet time I’m studying “No Other Gods” by Kelly Minter with my friend Melinda as part of the “summer siesta Bible study” that Beth Moore is hosting on her website, and “I Saw the LORD” by Anne Graham Lotz, which we started as a women’s Sunday School class study. I highly recommend both of those books to anyone. They correlate in so many lessons on many levels! What a challenge they both have been to me.
R is for biggest regret. Not fully comprehending what we were getting into when the Firefighter and I moved into his house; also known as “The Nichols’ Homestead”. We have lots of advice to give almost-newlyweds on what NOT to do when selecting where to live when you get married.
S is for status. Relationally: married. Personally: tired and ready for a break from everything.
T is for time you woke up today. 6:00 AM
U is for what you consider unique. A person who is willing make Jesus their whole life; He becomes their One and Only, and their life is a living example of Him. This should not be a unique person, as all Christians should live this way, but sadly that doesn’t seem to be the case.
V is for vegetable you love. Where to begin! Broccoli and string beans are my favorites. Followed so closely by zucchini, summer squash, and cauliflower. Oh and carrots.
W is for worst habit. Procrastinating!
X is for number of x-rays you’ve had. Zero. Do you know that when I was little I actually WANTED a broken bone?! I guess some kid at school must have had a really cool cast or something, and I thought I wanted one. Crazy, huh?
Y is for yummy food you ate today. So far today I’ve had toast with homemade strawberry jam on it, and a half a peanut butter and apple jelly sandwich. Time for some vegetables.
B is for Burger of Choice. Red Robin’s Blue Ribbon Burger: making-me-drool description right from their website: “Juicy burger basted with a tangy steak sauce and topped with crumbled Bleu cheese. Served with onion straws, lettuce, tomatoes and zesty Chipotle mayo on an onion bun.” Oh yes!
C is for what car you drive. My baby is a 1997 Saturn SC2. It just rolled to 270,000 miles; it’s on its second engine; the Firefighter has to repair the head gasket tonight; and it looks so shiny and new still. I love that car!
D is for Dog’s name. We don’t have a dog. The Firefighter had one before we got married…then he had to go because he was wrecking the house. I’d be happy with a dog- maybe- someday- when we’re home more and have a much bigger house. For now I’m very happy with our kitty, Georgie. Who’s a girl. Major identity crisis we gave her, huh?
E is for essential item you use every day. My Maine Bureau of Highway Safety orange water bottle. It’s made in the USA- hurray!
F is for favorite tv show at the moment. We just got rid of our Dish Network, so we’re not watching TV any more. However, we’ve signed up for Netflicks, and have Season 1 of Alf to watch. Hurray for classic TV!
G is for favorite game. I am starting to love games more than ever before, as I’m the “activity coordinator” for the senior high youth group. Our classic is Pictionary, and favorite outdoor game is still Capture the Flag. Classic.
H is for hometown. Norway, Maine, USA
I is for instruments you play. The piano, both at home (though not as often as I should) and as the church pianist.

J is for favorite juice. Cranapple
K is for who you’d like to kiss. My niece!
L is for the last restaurant you ate at. It’s been forever…hmm…does Quiznos count? We ate there several weeks ago.
M is for your favorite Muppet. Miss Piggy rocks.
N is for number of piercings. 5; 2 holes on my right ear, 3 on my left. I’m sooo ready for some new earrings.
O is for overnight hospital stays. None actually.
P is for people you were with today. The Firefighter this morning and as we drove to work together, the people in my office, and tonight will be the senior high youth group.
Q is for what you do with your quiet time. Right now IN my quiet time I’m studying “No Other Gods” by Kelly Minter with my friend Melinda as part of the “summer siesta Bible study” that Beth Moore is hosting on her website, and “I Saw the LORD” by Anne Graham Lotz, which we started as a women’s Sunday School class study. I highly recommend both of those books to anyone. They correlate in so many lessons on many levels! What a challenge they both have been to me.
R is for biggest regret. Not fully comprehending what we were getting into when the Firefighter and I moved into his house; also known as “The Nichols’ Homestead”. We have lots of advice to give almost-newlyweds on what NOT to do when selecting where to live when you get married.
S is for status. Relationally: married. Personally: tired and ready for a break from everything.
T is for time you woke up today. 6:00 AM
U is for what you consider unique. A person who is willing make Jesus their whole life; He becomes their One and Only, and their life is a living example of Him. This should not be a unique person, as all Christians should live this way, but sadly that doesn’t seem to be the case.
V is for vegetable you love. Where to begin! Broccoli and string beans are my favorites. Followed so closely by zucchini, summer squash, and cauliflower. Oh and carrots.
W is for worst habit. Procrastinating!
X is for number of x-rays you’ve had. Zero. Do you know that when I was little I actually WANTED a broken bone?! I guess some kid at school must have had a really cool cast or something, and I thought I wanted one. Crazy, huh?
Y is for yummy food you ate today. So far today I’ve had toast with homemade strawberry jam on it, and a half a peanut butter and apple jelly sandwich. Time for some vegetables.
Z is for the zoo you’ve visited. I’ve been to the Grandby Zoo in Quebec; I remember the great huge elephants that we saw. That’s the only real zoo I’ve been to, I believe. I’ve been to the Gray Animal Farm, the New England Aquarium in Boston…and Sea World in Florida.